Jobs for Pre ASAs

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 job(s).

Projections Actuary.  This position will play a key role in our clients growth strategy through active participation in the projection processes for retail and reinsurance businesses.  Ideal candidate has a minimum of 3 years of actuarial experience along with knowledge of reserving and accounting frameworks including US Statutory, US GAAP, and Bermuda EBS.  Must have strong communication -- verbal, written, interpersonal and presentation skills.  Looking for a highly motivated, conceptual thinker who is able to work independently or in a team over a wide variety of assignments.  Southeast Region. 

Job Number 8528  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 

Actuarial Associate/Sr Actuarial Associate.  Seeking a Pre-ASA - New ASA to join the Developmental Program of this well-known reinsurance company.  The ideal candidate will have 2- 6 years of Life insurance/reinsurance experience with a minimum of 3 Actuarial exams.   Experience with Prophet (or another modelling software), Risk Agility FM, R, SQL would be beneficial.  To develop data for use in experience studies; to construct mortality, lapse, assumptions; modeling; and support STAT, Bermuda and Solvency II regulatory reporting.  Southeast Region or Remote.

Job Number 8503  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 

Structured Reinsurance Actuarial Assistant. Seeking an actuary to be part of the structured reinsurance pricing team and will be responsible for developing structured reinsurance quotes, primarily in the annuity markets. 5+ years of experience within the life insurance industry, preferably pricing annuity products and modeling experience (including MG-ALFA, AXIS).  Eastern Region.     

Job Number 8424  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 

AXIS Modeling, Bermuda.  This position will be responsible for development and maintenance of the corporate AXIS models used in the reserving, capital management, risk and ALM functions.  The position will be exposed to many facets of the business due to the small but growing office environment.  Ideal candidate will have 5 years of (re)insurance experience with fixed, indexed and/or variable annuity products along with strong asset modelling and ALM experience using AXIS.  Offshore.


Job Number 7711  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 


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