
Southwest region states include: AZ, CA, CO, HI, NM, NV, and UT

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 job(s).

Senior Management Consulting Opportunity. Seeking candidates with a diverse actuarial background including 10-15+ years of experience, ACAS or FCAS, and programming knowledge to lead a team. Clients will include insurance companies, self-insured organizations, public entities, and interesting lines of business such as warranty or loyalty programs. Western Region.

Job Number 8514  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 

Reserving and Alternative Risk Transfer. Our client is looking for a FCAS or ACAS with 7+ years of experience to help build and grow a new business. In this role you will own all aspects of reserving, modeling and risk. Experience with alternative risk transfer or captives is a plus. Eastern, Southeast, Midwest, Northwest or Southwest Region.

Job Number 8461  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone