
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 job(s).


Senior PRT Pricing Actuary.  This role will oversee the development of pricing models, ensure competitive yet profitable pricing strategies, and collaborate with key stakeholders, including underwriting, investments, corporate finance, and the PRT business teams.  Must be an FSA with 10+ years overall experience and 5+ years of experience in Pension Risk Transfer.  Strong analytical skills and willingness to dive into model/assumption/product details.  Advanced proficiency in actuarial modeling software (Prophet preferred) and Excel-based pricing models.  Solid understanding of asset-liability projections and the impacts of investment strategy and ALM on product profitability and risk profile.  Prior leadership experience is preferred.  Eastern Region.

Job Number 8561  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 

Pension Risk Transfer Actuary.  Will be responsible for overseeing and executing pension risk transfer transactions, collaborating closely with senior leadership, clients, and external partners to ensure successful outcomes.  Career-ASA or FSA with a deep understanding of PRT insurance markets, defined benefit plans, actuarial principles, and the ability to lead transactions.  Ideal candidate has 10-15 years of experience in the pension industry with deep expertise in business origination, PRT contract negotiation, actuarial pricing and product development.  Midwest Region or Remote.

Job Number 8464  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 


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