Jobs for Pre ACAS Actuaries

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 job(s).


Submission Intake Analyst.  Seeking a Pre-ACAS with 2+ years of Insurance experience and skills using Excel and R to work with P&C Casualty pricing models.  Southeast or Remote.

Job Number 8552  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 

Reinsurance Pricing Actuary. Pre-ACAS, ACAS or FCAS with 2-15 years of experience is needed for growing company. Candidates must have at least 2 years of recent reinsurance experience. Experience with specialty lines (ocean marine or surety) is a plus. Midwest Region or Remote.

Job Number 8532  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 

Sr Actuarial Analyst. Multi-line insurance company is looking for a Pre-ACAS or new ACAS with 2-5 years of experience. This is a great opportunity to work on commercial pricing, personal lines pricing or reserving. Eastern Region.

Job Number 8282  ADD TO JOB BASKET   CHECKOUT With Added Job(s)   Forward to Someone 


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