Health & Disability
Showing 1 to 2 of 2 job(s).
Health Actuary - Data, Analytics and Reporting. This role provides actuarial services and statistical information needed to ensure growth and financial stability. Will lead a team, develop and maintain reports and models for calculating trends, and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. Ideal candidate is an experienced ASA or FSA with 8+ years of health insurance experience. Midwest Region or Remote from select states.
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Consultant, H&W. Seeking an Actuary with 3-5 years of working actuarial experience who will provide consulting expertise in the employee benefits arena, particularly related to health and welfare benefits (i.e. health, life, disability, absence and voluntary benefits). Some responsibilities include managing client engagements; analyze and interpret data; maintain regulatory knowledge of ERISA, COBRA, HIPAA, FMLA, ADA and healthcare reform and develop and maintain TPA (carrier and reinsurance) relationships. Must have knowledge in large groups claims, underwriting and data analytics. Northeast Region or Remote.
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