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2014 Salary Survey Results

We are excited to present the results of our second Annual Actuarial Salary Survey. The information presented below represents responses to our confidential Salary Survey Questionnaire, which we sent to more than 35,000 actuaries. We added to the survey responses information we gather on a regular basis from the actuaries we interview and place, as well as salary information from the companies we recruit for.

The survey results reflect 2014 salaries. Three of our charts are highly interactive and allow you to explore actuarial salary ranges in relationship to: industry/specialization, geographic location, professional designation, number of exams completed and years of experience.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Respondents for this survey were selected from among those who have volunteered to participate in an online survey or in recruiting databases. The data have not been weighted to reflect the demographic composition of the actuarial community. Because the sample is based on those who initially self-selected for participation rather than a probability sample, no estimates of sampling error can be calculated. The results should be interpreted as directional in nature, and may not be generalizable to an individual’s employment/compensation situation.


Beginning November 1st of 2016 and ending January 31st 2017 and every year thereafter, we will again be offering the opportunity to be eligible to win prizes just for contributing to the Salary Survey. We urge you to participate. If you contribute every year, you earn more chances to win! For each year you participate, you will accumulate additional chances to win (i.e. contribute three years, earn three entries in the drawing). The more actuaries that respond to the survey the more useful this tool will be in helping you in your career planning. It also is of great help to the companies we serve, by helping attract talent and remain competitive in the marketplace. Survey responses are always 100% confidential.

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